An overturn car lying upside down on a street after an accident.

Tulsa Rollover Accident Lawyer

Rollover crashes are some of the most destructive and violent accidents that can occur on Tulsa roadways. Vehicle occupants can get ejected if they’re unrestrained or violently shaken within their seats. Injuries are often severe, if not fatal. If you were injured in a rollover caused by someone else, you could be owed compensation.

At Edwards & Patterson Law, we know you need someone to help you through this difficult time in your life. We will stand up for your rights and pursue the most favorable results so you can move forward. Call us for a free consultation with a Tulsa rollover accident lawyer today.

What Is a Car Rollover Accident?

A rollover accident occurs when a car tips onto its side or rolls over completely. A motor vehicle might roll once or multiple times before landing in one of several positions. When the front and back tires on one side of the car begin to lift off the ground, momentum causes it to roll.

What Causes a Rollover Accident?

Numerous factors can lead to a rollover accident. However, human error is usually to blame. Specific scenarios might arise that cause a rollover crash, such as:

  • Speeding – When someone speeds, more force gets placed on another vehicle during a collision. Greater forces cause a driver to lose control, increasing the risk of a rollover.
  • Tripping – A tripping rollover accident occurs when a car suddenly slows or stops due to contact with an object, such as a curb or pothole.
  • Crash – A car accident can cause a vehicle to roll over, whether one car sideswipes another or clips the corner of the bumper.
  • Distracted driving Distractions divert a motorist’s attention from operating their car. Their brain doesn’t register dangerous situations quickly enough to a situation that could lead to a rollover.
  • Drunk driving Driving under the influence is similar to distracted driving. It prevents someone from focusing on the road ahead. It’s also harder to control the vehicle and maneuver around hazards and other cars.

Are Some Vehicles More Likely to Roll Over Than Others?

Any type of motor vehicle can roll over. However, trucks, vans, and SUVs have a high center of gravity, making them more vulnerable to rolling.

Why Do Most Rollover Accidents Involve One Vehicle?

A driver’s actions play a significant role in rollover crashes. That’s why most involve only one motor vehicle instead of multiples. A driver might swerve to avoid potholes, pedestrians, or road debris, hitting the curb instead. Or a speeding driver could take an exit ramp too quickly, and their inability to control the car could lead to a rollover. Contact our Tulsa car accident lawyer now.

What Are Common Injuries from a Rollover?

Rollover accidents can be devastating to the victims. The extent of the injuries depends on various factors, including speed and the cause of the crash. The most common injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Broken bones
  • Paralysis
  • Impalement
  • Significant scarring or disfigurement
  • Loss of limb
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Ejection injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Crush injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Other psychological damage

What Should I Do After a Tulsa Rollover Accident?

What you do after a rollover accident will affect your health and the outcome of your injury claim. You should take immediate steps to preserve your rights and increase your chance of recovering compensation, such as:

  • Seek treatment – Before anything else, you should get medical attention for your injuries. Go to the hospital and explain every symptom to the doctor so they can properly evaluate you. Treat your injuries regularly if they recommend follow-up care.
  • Keep records – Keep a copy of every document related to the crash. Maintain your medical care records, bills, and anything else that can help prove your case.
  • Hire an attorney – You have a better chance of a positive outcome when you engage an experienced lawyer. Hire someone soon after the accident so they can start building a case to hold the at-fault party liable.
  • Avoid social media – Your posts can damage your case. As much as you might rely on social media to share details of your life, leave your accounts alone.

What If I Was Partially to Blame for the Accident?

A jury can reduce your compensation by your percentage of fault under Oklahoma’s modified comparative negligence doctrine. That means you might receive less money than you need if the jury determines you’re partly to blame for the crash. You’re not entitled to compensation if you’re more than 50 percent liable.

Rescuers responding to rollover car.

What Can I Do to Prevent a Rollover Accident?

You can’t control every situation or prevent accidents from happening. However, you can lower the risk by taking certain safety precautions, such as:

  • Follow the speed limit – Always follow the posted speed limit. Speeding is dangerous and often contributes to more expensive damage and serious injuries.
  • Consider environmental factors – If you encounter slippery roads, construction zones, or other conditions outside your control, proceed cautiously. You should adjust your speed and focus on your surroundings to navigate the hazards safely.
  • Maintain your vehicle – Routine maintenance ensures your car runs properly. Defective brakes, bald tires, and other mechanical issues can cause your vehicle to malfunction.
  • Pay attention – Never take your eyes off the road when you’re behind the wheel. That means you should keep your cell phone out of reach and avoid anything distracting you from the primary task of driving.
  • Don’t drink and drive – Alcohol impairs driving abilities. The likelihood of an accident increases significantly when you drive under the influence. If you know you’re going to drink, call a taxi or rideshare service.

Is There a Statute of Limitations for Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit in Oklahoma?

The statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit typically allows a two-year timeframe. To sue the negligent driver, you must file your lawsuit within two years of the crash.

Contact a Tulsa Rollover Accident Lawyer

At Edwards & Patterson Law, we understand no amount of money can change what happened or take away your pain. However, holding the negligent party liable can ease your financial burdens so you can afford your medical bills and other expenses. Contact our Tulsa personal injury attorney today.

Seek the justice you deserve by calling a Tulsa rollover accident lawyer from our firm for a free consultation. We’re available 24/7, so you have someone to talk to when you need us most.

Visit Our Rollover Accident Law Offices