Think You Have a Personal Injury Claim? Find Out How We Can Help

Were you injured in a car crash, motorcycle wreck, or other accident? Was it someone else’s fault? If so, you may be wondering how you’re going to manage your medical bills, time off work to recover, and other expenses – all on top of the pain and frustration your injuries are causing.

At Edwards & Patterson Law, we believe you shouldn’t have to be the one stuck paying for these losses. Our compassionate personal injury lawyers are here to help you pursue the financial recovery you are owed from the person responsible for the harm you have suffered. Through a personal injury claim, you can demand compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and more. But the process of filing a claim can be stressful and complicated, and you need time to recover physically.

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Our Oklahoma personal injury attorneys can handle every aspect of your claim, including:

  • Helping you get the medical care you need to treat your injuries
  • Investigating the accident to determine who was at fault and all possible sources of compensation
  • Gathering evidence to support the at-fault party’s liability, the extent of your injuries, and the cost of your losses
  • Ensuring you stay informed and in control of what’s happening with your case while providing sound legal guidance
  • Handling all communication with the at-fault party and any insurance companies
  • Calculating the total value of your losses, including past and future costs of recovering from your injuries
  • Negotiating for a fair settlement that covers the full extent of the harm you have suffered
  • Taking your claim to court if necessary to demand the compensation you deserve
Image of a man suffering from injuries

Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle

At Edwards & Patterson Law, our team has decades of experience providing skilled legal representation for personal injury claims involving:

 No matter how your injuries happened, you may have a personal injury claim if someone else was responsible. Contact Edwards & Patterson Law to learn more.

About Edwards & Patterson Law

One of our biggest strengths at Edwards & Patterson Law is the fact that we care. We understand how frustrating and difficult this time can be. That’s why we work to make sure you are taken care of through your physical and financial recovery. Our personal injury attorneys prioritize getting you not just the medical treatment you need but also the monetary compensation you deserve. To do that, we will put our experience, skills, and resources to work as we fight for justice on your behalf. Let us handle the process while you focus on moving on from the trauma you have suffered. You have nothing to lose, as you’ll pay nothing upfront – we get paid only when you get paid.

Contact Edwards & Patterson Law today for a free consultation with an Oklahoma personal injury lawyer to get started.