Funeral Expenses After a Fatal Car Accident

fatal car accident

Too many adults have made no plans for what happens to their family in the event of an unexpected death. If a loved one is lost in a fatal car accident, catastrophic changes will occur, especially if the loved one was the primary breadwinner for the family. Traditional burial or cremation services can include expenses for:


  • Transporting the body
  • Embalming
  • Casket
  • Funeral service fees
  • Memorial service fees
  • Hearse expense
  • Cremation and urn
  • Cemetery lot or plot
  • Grave lot preparation
  • Grave marker / installation

There may also be other expenses. The National Funeral Directors’ Association estimates that the current average cost of a funeral is over $7,000. This commonly does not include a burial plot or cemetery fees. Most families do not have $10,000 or more just lying around for unexpected burial expenses. Conversely, many burial insurance plans are outdated and do not fully cover expenses.

Unnecessary Stress as You Grieve

Losing a loved one in a fatal car accident is earth-shattering to the entire family and grieving is part of a healthy procedure to process loss. However, the added stress of overwhelming expenses can cause unexpected health or mental issues to arise in otherwise healthy family members. No one wants to inventory saleable assets during a time of intense grief following a fatal car accident. And yet, without a means to meet the unexpected funeral expenses, a family will find itself making important decisions while under duress. Stressful times are never the best times for decision-making.

Recovering Expenses From a Fatal Car Accident

Funeral costs may not be the only expenses your family will face after a fatal car accident. There may be medical bills incurred from the accident. In addition, the family will be faced with the loss of income from the lost family member. What will happen to your family as you pick up the pieces from your tragic loss? Insurance may cover a portion of these expenses, but what about the rest? And what about your family’s future?

If you have recently lost a loved one in McAlester, Tulsa or eastern Oklahoma due to a fatal car accident, you may be able to recover damages to help offset the sudden influx of unexpected expenses. The Law Offices of Edwards and Patterson are compassionate advocates for your family during this time. Our professional attorneys can make your case to the courts to ensure the adequate amount of compensation is provided from those parties at fault in your loved one’s accident.

Now is not the time to forge ahead alone. Let our personal injury and wrongful death  attorneys handle the legal aspects of your case in order to provide your family a means of financial security and stability. Contact us by phone at 877-403-8417 or fill out the contact form online today.

“We care. We fight. We win!” That’s more than just a slogan at Edwards & Patterson Law. Those simple words sum up our law firm’s mission and everything we do for our accident and personal injury clients.

“We care. We fight. We win!” That’s more than just a slogan at Edwards & Patterson Law. Those simple words sum up our law firm’s mission and everything we do for our accident and personal injury clients.