Big Truck Collision: Don't Let the Companies Handle It

truck collision

A truck collision, in most cases, is extremely devastating to all involved. These huge vehicles can cause catastrophic damage, when they collide with another vehicle. However, when two trucks are involved in a crash, the damage caused is much worse, still.

During the course of any investigation into a truck collision, the company or companies involved will want to control the investigation. When it comes to claims for compensation, those same companies will have insurers hell-bent on mitigating any potential lawsuit.

When you leave it to the companies to handle the claims process, there is a very good chance that you will get duped out of the full compensatory award. Truck companies pay huge premiums for their insurance. Payouts for truck collision related injuries are notoriously big, so it is understandable that both the company and insurer will want to reduce any potential payout.

Insurance Adjusters

If you have been involved in a truck collision, it is important that you do not speak to the insurance adjuster. That is simply a conversation that you do not want to have. The job of the adjuster is to gather information from you, which is then used to reduce or even wipe out the value of your claim.

You do not have to speak to the adjuster. They will seek to push liability onto you, which could damage your claim for compensation. Before any conversation takes place, you are entitled to representation. A personal injury lawyer can offer you the legal representation you need.

Truck Collision Investigation and Reconstruction

During the course of a truck collision compensation claim, extensive investigations and reconstructions are carried out. Again, this is due to the high cost of payouts. Any truck company involved will want to control the evidence, which allows some unscrupulous companies to downplay or even destroy evidence.

When you have representation from a personal injury lawyer, he or she can ensure that there is no evidence tampering. A personal injury lawyer will also draft in expert investigators, who can prove that one or both truck companies are liable for your injuries. That is the kind of support that you deserve and need, regardless of how many assurances you receive from the truck company.

The Role of a Personal Injury lawyer

With the prospect of a huge payout looming, truck companies will go to great lengths to reduce or prevent compensation claims from paying out. As the injured party, you would need to have an extensive knowledge of applicable laws in order to pursue your own case.

By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you will have someone on your side who knows the law and has fought similar cases. A personal injury lawyer can ensure that evidence is secured, you aren’t harassed by representatives of the insurer, and that you receive every penny coming to you, due to injuries incurred in a truck accident.

Edwards & Patterson Law can ensure your claim is dealt with quickly and efficiently. Regardless of whether your truck accident results in settlement or litigation, our personal injury lawyers fight for you, 100%, all of the time.

“We care. We fight. We win!” That’s more than just a slogan at Edwards & Patterson Law. Those simple words sum up our law firm’s mission and everything we do for our accident and personal injury clients.

“We care. We fight. We win!” That’s more than just a slogan at Edwards & Patterson Law. Those simple words sum up our law firm’s mission and everything we do for our accident and personal injury clients.